Here we are cruising into planting season, weeks 15, 16 and 17 and 18. It is time for some hardy annuals to go out into the newly prepared beds. This week also brings a lot more seeding.

What is a hardy annual?

A hardy annual is just that. An annual that is hardy. It is a plant that goes through its entire life cycle in one season. They can handle some cold temperatures. Some examples of hardy annuals are ranunculus, snapdragons, sweet peas, nigella, bulpleurum, dianthus and bells of Ireland to name a few.

Bupleurum source: Johhnys Selected Seeds

Planting season

Some of my  sweet peas are already planted, so this week I am planting ranunculus in the raised bed that I moved down to the field. I will keep it uncovered during the day and have a mini plastic tunnel over them at night for the first week.  Bupleurum, uh whats that you ask? Bupleurum is a great filler with branching stems. It has green foliage with a clusters of small yellow flowers on top. I bought my bupleurum from Johnnys Selected seeds. ranunculus presprouted The dianthus was moved out into the garage to start the hardening off procedure.  I started these in trays. I think next year I am going to direct seed them because I feel that maybe they will be a healthier plant if they grow outside. Here is a post I wrote about hardening off your young plants.  
turn a portable garage in a box into a hoop house

garage in a box into a hoophouse

What is a hoop house?

We were given a garage in a box from my brother in law that he was not going to use so we are turning it into a hoop house!! What is a hoop house? A hoop house is basically a cheap greenhouse. There is no electricity or heat. It will help protect the plants and extend my growing season. The reason we started this way is because it is an economical way for me to see if I want to invest in an actual hoop house.  So far I love it! I have to get my irrigation set up because obviously I can not relay on the rain.. planting ranunculus   I am excited for a new season….and cruising into planting season is a blast. Oh one more thing…I started a flower subscription. Like everything else, I started small. 10 shares. I have sold 8 so far!! Are you local…if you are check it out.   and as always….thanks for being here!