Flower farm update
Flower farm update. Summer is in full swing in the midwest. Here at Midwest cut flowers we are a few weeks behind from last year due to the cold spring.

Oh sweet summer time. The sun is shining in the Midwest and I am here on vacation from the pacific northwest visiting friends and family. Time for a flower farm update. My mom has many new things in store for Midwest Cut Flowers this summer. It’s time to get to get the plants in the ground and make sure we do everything we can to get those flowers to grow! The spring here, like a lot of other places was cool and rainy. The plants did not like it. Things are growing about 2 weeks behind last year and some of the plants are too short.
Flower field
The size of the field this year is triple in size to what we started with in 2017. That is a huge growth but still not where it needs to be.

This year we have a “u-pick” garden for people passing by to stop and pick a few stems. This is located by the flower stand, which will be open mid July with bouquets for sale; once my flowers start to bloom. So if your in the area stop by and check out the stand.

In the beds
Planted throughout 14 beds in the main field are many different types of flowers and greenery that are used in the bouquets for the season. The beds are 6” high, amended with organic compost, and covered with landscape fabric for weed control. It is crucial to keep these plants watered through the summer because they are located in an area that has sun most of the day. To help with the watering we are installing a drip line system from DripWorks . It will be excited to see this garden in full bloom!

Last year this morden blush rose was planted. There is one on each side of the driveway. The plant on the east side does not have near as many blooms as the plant on the west side. There are a few leaves getting eaten, so they will get sprayed with an organic pest control spray.
The last addition to the farm is a pumpkin patch with three different types of specialty pumpkins planted. The pumpkins will be available in the fall at the roadside stand and the Wayzata Farmers Market every Thursday along with many other things.

The peony blooms all got cut and hung upside down to dry for fall markets.
This market bag can hold all of your market finds in a fashionable, modern look. Check them out here in our Etsy shop. You can also find dried flowers and aprons there. All these will be available at the Wayzata farmers market

Here is a little flower farm update from 2017.