spring flowers and seed starting

It’s all about spring flowers and seed starting here at Midwest Cut Flowers. Spring flowers are poking their heads up through the soil, robins are landing in the yard with big bellies red and bulging and flower seeds are being sowed by the hundreds. some links...
dried flower arrangements

dried flower arrangements

Making messes Making messes Dried flower wreath At vintage on Bridge Sweet little mini bouquet Natural dried flower arrangement Dried strawflowers Dried flower bouquet. Pretty in pink. Dried flower arrangements Dried flower arrangements and decor is making a come...
How to press flowers

How to press flowers

Learning how to press flowers is easy. Pressed flowers and dried flowers are trending right now and you can do both at home with minimal supplies. When you know how to press flowers, you will be able to use your creativity to create beautiful things that will last you...
The end of a season

The end of a season

It is the end of the season for Midwest Cut Flowers, 2020 what a ride! We had such a great growing season here at Midwest Cut Flowers, a special thanks to all who supported the farm. This variety of Dahlia has been with me since the beginning of this flower farming...