After reading this post you are going to know what vintage means and love these 5 tips on how to decorate with vintage. I will also answer questions like, What is vintage, what is patina? Are all vintage items worth money, along with are vintage items safe? There are loads of questions about vintage decor and how to use vintage in your home decorating.

what is vintage?

According to Websters the definition of “vintage” that we referring to is : of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality : classic. 3a : dating from the past : old. b : outmoded, old-fashioned. In the antique, reselling, thrifting world, vintage is any item that is 20 years old or older. There are several different styles of vintage. Some examples are, hippy boho, Mid Century Modern or MCM, retro, farmhouse and Victorian. My definition of vintage is something that is old, a bit worn, a lot loved.

Are vintage items safe?

Most vintage items are safe! When shopping for vintage items for your home, use common sense. If you love a tin can but it held old chemicals, leave it behind. That cool wooden frame with a broken mirror, let it lie. Chippy paint got you wondering if it is lead….leave it behind. There are so many items out there, you will find something similar.

are all vintage items worth money?

Some vintage items are worth a lot of money. If you are using vintage items to decorate you home and you like what you buy. It does not matter if it is worth money or not. As long as it speaks to you it is worth it. Ebay is a good tool to use if you are wondering how much your vintage decor item is worth. Type the name of the item in the search bar, you will see a list of similar items come up. To see what they have sold for, click on the advanced search option next to the search bar, then click on “sold listings” then “search”. You should see a list of what the item has sold for.

Remember, just because an item is listed for, lets say $98.00 does not mean that is what it is worth. Looking at the sold listings gives you a much better idea on what the item you have is worth.

5 tips for using vintage in your home

1. mixing vintage styles

A living room with vintage items
Mix it up!
Loving the upcycled pallet bed and leather tufted ottoman. The slick modern woodstove fits right in.

Vintage items that are different styles can be mixed together. My rule of thumb is moderation, just because you like boho does NOT mean you can’t pair it with something that is midcentury modern. Do it sparingly, keep true to your color palette and it will work!

In photo above there is a modern woodstove, the bed frame is very rustic and the ottoman is a traditional antique style. The rug that was chosen has the colors of the woodstove, ottoman and the bed frame, it does a fabulous job pulling the room together.

2. how to decorate vintage

It does not take much to incorporate vintage into your decor, so f you feel drawn to a piece that you see, you can find an appropriate place in your home for it. There really are no rules for decorating with vintage but if you follow the 5 tips for using vintage in your home you will do fine.

Think outside the box when it comes to vintage. A jar can become many things, a planter, a button organizer, a jar can be used as a vase, also think of useful things you can do with items. Store your child’s blocks in a cool vintage tin, use an old file drawer for recipe cards, use that old scale!!

3. how to use color in your vintage decor

A vintage kitchen
This kitchen is a good example, 1-2 main colors. Gray concrete and the white walls are the main colors and the accent color/tones are copper, wood and black.
White and tan are the main colors. Red, wood and black are the accent tones.

My go to color guideline is simple. Choose one or two main colors and then add 2 or 3 accent colors. Your two main colors can be the same color in different shades, for example white and tan, or tan and brown. Your 2 or 3 accent colors will come from your art work, display pieces, rugs, throw pillows, curtains etc. These pieces are easy to switch out if you suddenly need a new vibe in the room.

4. how to display your vintage collection

Collection of vintage serving forks
Collection of vintage serving forks
MidCentury moden furniture in a living room

When it comes to displaying your vintage items, you may feel a little intimidated. Display your items on or in the following.

  • Bookshelves
  • floating shelves
  • large clear jars
  • Baskets, pails and bowls work well for storing or displaying small items.
  • photo frames
  • wall space ( create a gallery wall )
  • china cabinet
  • Coffee table

5. materials to use in your vintage decorating

It is important to use a variety of materials when you are decorating with vintage because using different textures in a room gives a room feeling. When you have something with patina and a bit of wear, you create the feeling of coziness and textiles like your pillows and throws will help give feeling to a room.

Texture adds visual weight to a room. The more an object draws the eye the more visual weight it has. Visual weight is important when decorating with vintage items because you want these items to be showcased and noticed.

what is texture in home decor?

Texture in home decor refers to the feel and look of an object. Is it smooth and shiny, soft and fluffy? Different textures create different feelings. Shiny and smooth creates a clean and structured feel and worn wood and textured wool create a warm cozy feeling.

In Feng Shui wood represents vitality, growth and kindness. Wood also gives the room and sense of warmth and works well with many different sytles.

what is patina?

Patina is a word you have seen tossed around to and fro. Lovely brass elephant with patina, gorgeous vintage tin can with patina. The definition from google is

  • a gloss or sheen on a surface resulting from age or polishing .”the dining table will acquire a warm patina with age”
  • the impression or appearance of something. “he carries the patina of old money and good breeding”

Basically when an object has nice wear…it has patina.

textures to use in vintage home decor

  • wood
  • things with patina
  • houseplants real and faux
  • linen fabrics and textiles
  • chunky knit
  • flat painted furniture
  • leather
  • wool

where do i find vintage decorations

You can find vintage decorations at a number of places. A few of my favorite places to find vintage items are

  • secondhand stores
  • thrift stores
  • garage sales
  • Estate sales
  • online auctions
  • newspaper ads ( yes still relevant)
  • Etsy
  • Ebay

If you are a DIY person. You will enjoy making this wreath

Let me know in the comments what your favorite vintage decor items are. I would love to know!

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